Entrust your accommodation

Do not hesitate to entrust your property to European Real Estate.

A property administrator has a rental management mandate without guaranteeing you the payment of the rents which are due to you. You are therefore exposed to a risk of non-payment.

By renting your apartment to ERE you get rental returns of 4% per year at no cost. Bound by the terms of a lease, ERE is obligated to pay you the rent it owes you whatever happens. Thanks to a non-conforming lease under ordinary law, you can terminate this lease after only two months. ERE will pay you a deposit covering three times this period. In case of unpaid you can request the termination of the lease and keep the amount owed to you thanks to this deposit.

You do not bear any management fees. ERE is only remunerated by subletting your property to professionals, in particular companies looking for official accommodation. Our company has insurance against default and can also mobilize its own funds to honor its commitments.

In order to maintain its income, ERE is particularly attentive to the maintenance of your property.